have lots fun during tuition.
gt a girl from france.
join our tuition class.
she's damn pretty n tall lah.
teacher ask her 2 describe malaysian boys in french.
all of us duno why she's saying.
but teacher dun wanna tell say.
say we better duno it. if nt we'll b angry.xD
thn we ply a game in groups.
police with murderer game.
we all are the suspect of a murderer case.
we'll thk ques to ask other groups.
until they fail to prove tat there're nt involve in the case.
some of us stand on the chair c how they b lawyer asking ques.XD
so funny tat. the most fun tuition i ever had!
bored day at home on9 only.
hahahs` 2day no tuition classes.
so so relax. sleeping there.
hp yau diam diam wor.
but hor. everytime i free tat time.
sure nobody find me.
when i start wanna busy le.
jau msg coming in.
ytd dear cal me oso.
he's like so shocked i'm stil single right now.
he didnt expect i'll b single for long.XD
hahahs. dear i'm not like u leh.
alwiz go out paktor geh.
but i so so long didnt c dao u jor =[
read some blogs oso.
i envy a girl lots.
she's younger than me.
she's so talented n popular right now.
wonder is she born wit the talent?
today plan to watch ice age 3
but showing at diff time.
so didnt watch le. go eat pan mee.
thn bck home.
sis cook pasta ask me to eat oso.
goshhh` i gonna get fat le.
eat eat non-stop. XD

happy birthday to my cassy darling!
my superwoman`
i love you more than words!
p.s: can i know who have 刘界辉-下半生`can send to me?